Hello friends and a very happy One Room Challenge Week 3 to you! I come baring updates. I am equal parts joy and dismay which I hear is pretty common for the ORC at this point.
As a recap, we are updating our master bath which we actually use as our guest bathroom.
Catch up on my weekly progress here:
Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 4 / Week 5 / Week 6
Yes start with the not so hot things that have happened. I am still without shower head. I didn’t manage to snag one at the Restoration Hardware Outlet. But alas, the shower head I was originally in love with came back in stock! Woo hoo! I instantly added it to the cart and it’s well on its way. It’s amazing how even though I strategically planned for the things that I wanted in this space, I still ended up waiting for the shower head to come in. Since we have to wait for it to arrive to close up the last wall, we are working backwards in this space. We cleared the entire room and laid the floor and it is a wowee wowee change. I am so happy with the new floor even without grout.
After finishing up the floor of the bathroom, I rebounded back to the floor of the shower. I love Tile Guy but I knew exactly how I wanted this done so I did the letter myself. In last weeks post, I set up the tiles by laying the blue pennies that would be used for the wording on top of the white pennies so that I could spell out “fresh & clean”. I marked out the sharpie underneath the blue and laid them in the bed of the shower CAREFULLY. Then I pulled out the marked white pennies and replaced them with the blue penny.
Finished up the shower floors and Tile Guy mastic-ed all of the little pennies down and placed a board on them so that the plumbers could get in to set up the shower and the vanity since we have the measurements for the shower head now. YaAAaAAaY! (Feel free to picture me shouting that).
After the plumbers left, I couldn’t resist sneaking a look at my prized floor in all her glory and it’s a good thing I did because she had a little error. Look at the “S” in fresh. Something got shifted between the time I laid the first image and when Tile Guy mastic-ed them down. Lucky it was still pretty damp and I shifted it easily to make it right.
The niches also got done this week. Cue more shouts of glee. I’m already so happy with the way these guys are coming out. I went with penny tiles in the niches to tie them in with the floors.
Also two last unpictured changes but definitely the highlight of this week. I finished painting the vanity a soft powder blue which left me speechless. It’s really not a wow color for anyone except me but it’s exactly the color I had in my mind and to see it come to life is incredible. Hubby thinks the color is too light but I’m praying that the glaring sun has been washing the color out and that in the actual space it will feel cool and subtle.
And last but not least, I found the vanity light of my dreams. Honestly, I already had one on the way that I liked and felt happy with but then I saw this one from Anthropologie and knew it was The One. It’s the fastest I’ve ever checked out for an item. I can’t wait until it get here.
Tune for next week of Victoria Loses Her Mind in the Bathroom,
XO PrepFord Wife
Looking soooo good!!!
Thank you friend! Slow and gentle progress over here. (Until week 5 😂)
Your light fixture is Beeutiful!!! So cute! You have a really fun blog going here. Love your sense of humor!
Your Cranberry bog Friend,
Thank you so much! I had so much fun at the bog with you guys.