Hat| Sweater( similar, similar, similar) | Pants (sold out, similar) | Shoes| Purse
I’m trying to do better with styling not buying. In order to stave off closet staleness, that means I’ve moved over to my husband’s closet. Queue this J. Crew Ebbet’s field hat.
I kidnapped a few of these before for weekend wear and if I say it once, I’ll say it again, they are amazing. They are the only brand of cap that can handle my natural hair.
I always wear red for a pop of color; it’s why you’ll see me with my ever present Apple watch band. So when it came to this outfit the easiest choice was red as an accent.
This sweater has been living in my closet in desperate need of love. It’s warm and comfy and is perfect for the day where I don’t feel like getting dressed.
I was just telling my husband earlier today that I remember a time where I would automatically reach for sweat pants during the weekend. Clearly, I was a college student and when you’re in college, sweat pants and yoga pants are the only way to be comfortable. As I get older though, I’m realizing more and more that polished staples with hints of color serve me better. Not only am I cozy but I also feel comfortable in my appearance in public.
What’s your go to weekend piece that is comfy but still polished?
XO Prepford Wife
I am a J Crew girl myself. Their sweaters are my favorite weekend piece that are cozy but still look great. It’s just humid and over 70 degree’s for the last week, so no sweater wearing in our house.
That’s a really nice jumper!! <3