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New Year’s Resolutions 2016


I have been waiting for about a month to talk about my New Year’s resolutions. I started carrying through some things I wanted to work on around Thanksgiving and so I am so excited to share the things I’m working on with you.

  1. No shopping until June. My husband and I have been doing a ton of shopping in the last six months or so and are desperately approaching a much-needed hiatus. We have taken a shopping fast before as a build up to our wedding. The only things we exclude from it are necessities which includes food, shelter, and things we must buy like bridesmaids/groomsmen clothing for important weddings in our lives.
  2. Which leads me smoothly into my second point. Use this space as more of a style guide and less of a vehicle for consumerism. Less “buy this, buy that” and more “this is what I look like, this is what I dress like, this is what I paired this with” instead of “this is 40% off.” I will still tag where I purchased things but with more item tags that say similar instead of exactly where I purchased the original item since I plan to shop less.
  3. Closet and house purge of unnecessary things. We have just accumulated too much stuff. So the rule is anything that hasn’t been used in two years or anything that won’t be used within a year, will go.
  4. Incorporate fitness daily. I have to get back to a space where my life isn’t so sedentary. I have used my job as an excuse but a year in and it is no longer new to me. Even if it’s just a 15 minute walk with the dogs in the evening, I have to do more to be active. I am going to start by participating in activities that I enjoy. Restarting a yoga practice, continuing water aerobics and running more are on the list. participate in activities I enjoy.
  5. Follow the impulse. The other day I decided to go to the beach and so we went. If I have an idea that deviates from my normal pattern of behavior, I usually shy away from it. This year, I am going to start living my life as though I’ve imbibed a daily bottle of felix felicis and I am going to follow the impulse.  Rare is the occasion where my gut reaction steers me wrong and I am going to just roll with it.
  6. Post regularly. I am not a blogger but I do get a sense of satisfaction from blogging. I have had this space for years and have never had the consistency to post on a regular basis. I am going to give it a shot if only because I love the idea of chronicling the entire year in post and thoughts. So even if it’s just minutia, I will try to update here at least three times a week. I will also make an effort to spruce up the appearance around here as well as categorizing everything so it’s easier to look back.

So let’s hear it, what are you working on this year or are you a conscientious objector?

XOXO Prepford Wife

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