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One Room Challenge Week Four: Demo Day

Prepfordwife bathroom reno

Happy Wednesday and welcome back to another week of One Room Challenge where this week, we are finally finally demoing. Let’s catch you up really quickly if you are new here. One Room Challenge is a biannual event started by Linda Weinstein as a forum for support and community where designers and guest take on a room and cheer each other along. Or two rooms in our case? Is that surprising? Visit our previous weeks here to learn more about our projects before demo.

Check out other weeks of this One Room Challenge

Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 3 Week 4 / Week 5 / Week 6 / Week 7 / Week 8: Guest Room Reveal/ Week 8: Bathroom Reveal

And now let’s jump into this week together!

Bathroom Demo

This week we are kicking it off with bathroom demo. Few things in life give me as much joy as a demo day. Now does it concern me that we are on week four and juuuust removing fixtures in the bathroom? Only a bit and it’s because for this project we called in the calvary aka the contractor.

We love to DIY. Few things give us more joy than the accomplishment that comes at the end of a hard won project. But we are currently working through completing four. That’s right. Read it. FOUR active renovations in our house. That’s four rooms that need to wrap and be photographed within a week of each other. Two of which are bathrooms. In the name of our sanity and because there are only 24 hours in the day, ten of which I spend working a 9-5, we called in the contractor for this job. Which brings me this weeks tip.

Tip 1- Budgeting Time vs Money vs Quality

There’s that old saying about how you can have a project done fast, cheap, or well and never all three at once. We live by that. And beecause we needed this project to be done well and fast, we brought in a contractor.

For most projects, we begin with a budget and savings in mind and then decide to do the labor ourselves. If we don’t hit a snag, then we keep our money and we just roll the it into our next project. If we do hit a snag, then we just pay to bring someone in. We of course are not looking for a contractor the week of the project. The project was already priced out as a contingency plan months ago when we realized how many projects may hit at once. We try to do this with most of our big projects so we aren’t stuck in a lurch if we need help.

Quick Bathroom Demo

This is by far one of the cleanest demos I have ever seen. The tile in this house takes all of the force of lightening to break but turns into this fine powder. We discovered that in our other bathroom where I could not believe the amount of rubble that formed when I took a hammer to it.

Demo in here consisted of removing the major fixtures and clearing the way for new fixtures to come in shortly. Now that the major fixtures are out, all that’s left is to remove the wallpaper and vanity light which we will tackle ourselves sometime in the next 24 hours so that tile can commence. That wallpaper has been painted blue so wish us luck on digging that out. Should be a “fun” experience and I can’t wait to share more progress with you next week! In the mean time, check out what the other Feature Designers are up to! You won’t regret it

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