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Back to School Bedding

So school starts in T-minus three weeks and if you still haven’t chosen bedding or you’ve chosen a set that you aren’t quite sure about now, you’re in luck. Bedding is the foundation of a dorm room so it’s important to get it right (even if it doesn’t happen on the first try).

With the exception of technology like a new laptop or even a car, bedding is the most money you will spend for your room. The world is an exciting place for preppy bedding because when I started school, none of the preppiest lines even sold it.

My favorite bed sets for college are printed and not white. While I love a gorgeous monogrammed white and navy set as much as the next preppy girl, I can tell you from first hand experience that you are going to use your bed as your sofa for Netflix, your desk for studying when you get tired of the real desk, the table for your pizza hut box and the counselors couch for your weepy roommate. In the best case scenario, your bedding should be able to hide all of the evidence of that and what stains can’t be hidden, should be able to be washed out without having to make a dry clean run.

Duvet covers are actually great for this. they’re like a pillow case for your comforter; where you can pull them off and just toss them in the wash. If you are set on the white sheet sets (I get it, I love them in spite of the impracticality) then go for the duvet.

The bedroom set on my guest room bed is actually a perfect color palette for a college girls dorm room. My husband and I set our guest room up with that in mind since we each have a sister in college nearby and our guest room has belonged to them in the past.


The Kate Spade comforter set is just like the one on in our master bedroom. It was a great deal and while impractical in white and green, at least it’s washable. It’s paired with a no longer available set of chevron polka dot sheets from the French Bull line at Target.

Here are a few sheet sets that are both lovely and practical and set the tone for a great fall semester.

Whim Collection by Martha Stewart is actually one of my favorite brands. With whimsical prints and just down right cute ways to match them, how could anyone resist this line? Even better, right now, they are having some great deals.

How cute are the camel sheets and other assorted animal prints? All of these could be paired with any bedding you’ve already purchased. In college there is zero shame in having at least two or three sets of sheets. You don’t want to be the girl who spills something on her bed and then has to wait for the washer while you’d rather be squeezing in a run before studying for that exam.

It’s totally okay to mix from multiple companies. I would absolutely pair the dotty black Whim sheets with the rugby stripe comforter from Target like in my guest room.

If you’re looking for something in the Lilly Pulitzer print family. Look no further than Etsy.

Lilly Pulitzer from Have Faith Boutiques on Etsy has a number of beautiful duvet covers based on Lilly Pulitzer prints. You can have the monogram customized for your own personal preferences including the shape of the name plates. They also do shower curtains, towels, yoga mats, etc.


For a little less print, Pottery barn has this amazing ribbon duvet in multiple colors. It’s one of my favorites because with the lack of print, you can do high impact printed sheets and pillows.

These are some of my favorite sheet ideas. If you’ve already purchased some, tell me about them! What did you buy?

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